Can Our Active Programs Help You?

At the Active Spine and Joint Institute, we often encounter a common question from individuals seeking relief from chronic joint pain: "Can this help me?"

The straightforward answer is yes, but the true extent of assistance can only be determined through a personalized consultation and examination.

Our team of experienced healthcare providers is dedicated to understanding your unique situation, exploring your past treatment experiences, and delving into the impact of chronic joint pain on your daily activities.


The Comprehensive Consultation

When you step into our office, our first priority is to gain a thorough understanding of your condition. Our healthcare providers will engage in an in-depth conversation with you, covering aspects such as the duration of your pain, previous treatments attempted, and the specific challenges you face in your day-to-day life due to chronic joint pain.

We'll also discuss your goals—what activities you wish to resume and what level of functionality you aspire to achieve.

Exercises and Range of Motion Assessment

To better comprehend your physical condition, our team will guide you through a series of exercises to assess your range of motion. This step allows us to identify limitations, areas of discomfort, and potential sources of pain.

If necessary, X-rays may be conducted to provide a deeper insight into the structural aspects of your joints.

Determining Candidacy for Active Programs

Based on the information gathered during the consultation and examination, our healthcare providers will determine whether you are a suitable candidate for our Active Programs.

While some conditions may have contraindications, such as previous surgeries or pacemakers, our commitment to helping you find relief remains unwavering.

Even if certain treatments are deemed ineligible, alternative options can still be explored to address your unique needs.

Root Cause Analysis

One distinctive feature of our approach is our commitment to identifying the root cause of your joint problems and pain, rather than merely treating symptoms. This thorough analysis allows us to develop targeted and effective treatment plans that address the underlying issues contributing to your discomfort.

Trying Active Methods on the Same Day

We understand the urgency for relief, which is why, in most cases, you'll have the opportunity to experience our Active Methods during the initial consultation. This firsthand experience allows you to feel the benefits of our treatments immediately and provides valuable insights into the potential for long-term relief.

Living in chronic pain is not a necessity, and we invite you to take the first step towards a pain-free life by scheduling a consultation with us. The Active Spine and Joint Institute is dedicated to offering personalized solutions that go beyond mere symptom management. Discover the possibilities, understand your unique condition, and embark on a journey towards improved joint health and overall well-being. Schedule your consultation today and let us help you reclaim an active and pain-free lifestyle.


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