“Solving the Neuropathy Puzzle - The Active Nerve Method to a Pain-Free Life”

"It is my hope that this book will provide helpful information and education to a large population of people who suffer needlessly from peripheral neuropathy and have been told that there is nothing more that can be done for them."​ - Dr. Robert Olivieri, DC FACFN, FACO, DAAPM​

Dr. Robert Olivieri is the Owner and CEO of Active Spine and Joint Institute. With more than 35 years of experience, a Board Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist​, a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist​, a Diplomate - Academy of Integrative Pain Management​. and has been a speaker and lecturer for the last 15 years throughout the United States​.

Most recently, he published the book “Solving the Neuropathy Puzzle. The Active Nerve Method to a Pain-Free Life”​

Dr. Olivieri goes beyond just explaining the symptoms and causes of neuropathy in his book. He delves into the various treatment options available, including the shortcomings of traditional approaches, and introduces his unique Active Nerve Method as a comprehensive and effective alternative.

The Active Nerve Method, developed by Dr. Olivieri, is a holistic approach that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of neuropathy rather than just managing the symptoms. This method is a multi-faceted approach to neuropathy care. Dr. Olivieri shares his years of experience and expertise in treating patients with neuropathy, including case studies and success stories, to illustrate the effectiveness of his method.

In "Solving the Neuropathy Puzzle," Dr. Olivieri also empowers readers with practical tips and strategies for self-care, including lifestyle changes, diet and nutrition, exercise, and stress management techniques, that can help improve neuropathy symptoms and overall quality of life.

Dr. Olivieri's book goes beyond just providing information on neuropathy but also aims to raise awareness about the misconceptions and misinformation surrounding this condition. He addresses common myths and misconceptions about neuropathy, such as the belief that it is an untreatable condition or that medications are the only solution.

With his extensive experience as a chiropractor, chiropractic orthopedist, chiropractic neurologist, and integrative pain management expert, Dr. Olivieri brings a unique and comprehensive perspective to the topic of neuropathy. His passion for helping patients find relief from neuropathy and his commitment to educating and empowering patients is evident throughout the book. "Solving the Neuropathy Puzzle" is a valuable resource for anyone seeking a holistic approach to managing neuropathy symptoms and improving their overall well-being.

Whether you are a neuropathy patient, a healthcare professional, or someone interested in learning more about neuropathy, this book is a valuable resource that offers hope, education, and guidance towards a pain-free life. Don't let neuropathy puzzle you any longer - pick up a copy of "Solving the Neuropathy Puzzle" and take the first step towards finding relief and improving your quality of life.

If you or someone you know suffers from neuropathy, this book is a must-read for you. Dr. Robert Olivieri explores his personal relationship with neuropathy patients, and how he developed the comprehensive Active Nerve Method to help patients get relief from their neuropathy symptoms. In this book, you’ll learn more about what neuropathy is, what causes neuropathy, and why most traditional treatment plans like Anti-seizure Medications, Antidepressants, and Pain Relievers do not work to treat the symptoms of neuropathy.

Books are available for purchase in the office.


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